5 ideas for lowering your heating costs this winter

A cozy and warm space to relax in is a wintertime must for many Canadians. But cranking up the heat can really add up. Here are some ways you can stay toasty without incurring sky-high costs:

1. Change furnace filters.
If you have an oil or gas-burning furnace, remember that it must work harder if the filter is dirty. If your electricity bills seem unusually high, try changing your filter more frequently and/or getting your machine serviced.

2. Use a programmable thermostat.
Many of us know that turning down the heat at night or while we’re away all day can boost savings, but it’s inconvenient to constantly be making those adjustments and easy to forget. A programmable thermostat lets you set it to automatically turn up the heat gradually in time for your morning routine, or remotely manage your settings – turning on your heat as you drive back from the airport.

3. Audit your energy and take action.
An energy audit is a formal test to determine where energy is lost in your home. Maybe it’s through a thin roof, poorly insulated walls or drafts around your windows and doors. This kind of test can help you discover the and the amount of money you’re spending to make up for energy loss and offers ways to reduce it.

4. Install a heat pump.
A heat pump works by transferring heat from outside your home to the inside. It ’s more energy efficient than other types of heating, like electric heat since the pumps don’t have to generate heat from scratch. Instead, they move and intensify the heat. This means you likely won’t be paying as much for your heat each month, though there can be higher initial buy-in costs.

5. Switch to solar.
While there is some upfront cost to this solution, it can be a major cost-saver pretty quickly. Not only can this be better for your wallet, but it’s also better for the environment, helping reduce your greenhouse gas emissions and do your part to combat climate change.

Some insurance providers, including Aviva Canada, may offer better insurance rates if you utilize green replacements. Whatever household updates you decide to make, be sure to let your insurer know — that way they’ll be able to update your coverage appropriately, and, who knows, you might just qualify for a better rate.

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