Stylish outdoor living ideas

The pandemic really showed what a difference outdoor space can make for your own well-being, whether it’s a backyard, balcony, patio or porch. Now that we’re able to entertain a little more, here are a few tips to transform outside space into your favourite spot in the home.

Think comfort
Make sure to consider your outdoor furniture carefully. So much has improved in recent years that you can easily find pieces as stylish and comfy as what you use in your living room that are also built to last through the elements.

Think lighting
Don’t forget modern and stylish lighting for your outdoor hideaway. Make use of the space into the evening even as the days get shorter by using a mixture of solar-powered lanterns and torches, plus flickering candles for a warm glow. For an effortless way to light, you can try BIC’s new EZ Reach Lighter, which has an extended wand that makes it easier to light candles or your barbecue from any angle.

Think green
From local native plants in your garden to cushions made from recyclable materials, there are many easy ways to get more environmentally friendly outside. Try a timed sprinkler that won’t turn on in the rain for a set-it-and-forget-it eco-friendly setting.

Think temperature
Even as restrictions lessen, there’s no reason to stop enjoying the outdoor space that’s become so essential to your home during the pandemic. Add an outdoor fan to give movement to hot, humid air in the summer, and invest in a heat lamp, fireplace or cozy blankets early so you can enjoy your space into the fall.

Think convenience
Any major upgrades should make your life easier and fit with how you use the space. Whether that means an outdoor kitchen setup complete with fridge, sink and grill, or an entertainment zone with Wi-Fi and a projector, go with what makes your everyday life better.

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