How to prep your lawn in fall so it thrives in the spring
When it comes to lawn care, most people focus all their efforts during the spring and summer. However, if you want to keep your lawn looking healthy and beautiful, caring for your lawn as winter approaches is equally important. Try these fall lawn tips to keep your lawn in tip-top shape when spring rolls around.
Feed your lawn
Fall is the best time to give your lawn a good feeding. As the weather begins to cool, your lawn will slow its top growth while the roots will continue to actively grow. A fall fertilizer application should be applied at the right time, when the plants are still absorbing nutrients. If the ground is frozen or the grass has stopped growing, it is too late.
“A fall feeding delivers vital nutrients to encourage deep root growth and will help your lawn to store essential nutrients over the long cold Canadian winter,” says Mark Beaty, live goods merchant at The Home Depot Canada. “The storing process will continue as long as the plant is green. At the first sign of spring, your lawn will quickly tap into the stored nutrients, increasing the chance of you having a healthy green lawn.”
Plant some seed
Early fall is a good time to seed a lawn that needs some repair. Over-seeding an established lawn fills in bare spots and thickens your grass. Over-seeding immediately following aeration is highly recommended because the holes left behind by the aerator provide entry points for new grass to germinate and fill in trouble spots.
The best time to seed your lawn is in the early fall when the evening temperatures are lower and the morning dew is heavier. New grass that can establish itself in the fall will be more vigorous in the spring.
Keep cutting and watering
As the fall season progresses, your lawn’s growth may begin to slow, but you should keep cutting it until your lawn stops growing.
“As the season comes to a close, for your final mowing, drop the mower blade down to a lower level than your regular season height,” says Beaty. “Trimming nice and short stops the grass from becoming matted, which encourages mould.”
If your lawn isn’t getting enough rainfall, provide at least a half inch of water each week to prevent it from drying out. Your lawn is still living and needs watering to build up its root system going into winter.
Let it breathe
Determine whether your lawn requires aeration. Using an aerator, cut a test plug and measure the thatch level (the partially decomposed material that can build up between the bottom of your grass and soil surface). If it’s greater than a half inch (about 1.25 cm), aerate your lawn to loosen soil compaction; this will allow for more water, light and air to reach the soil. A good aeration in the fall can help set the stage for strong spring growth.
If your lawn has a thick layer of thatch, loosen it with a power de-thatcher, which you can rent from your local hardware store, like The Home Depot Canada, and remove the debris promptly with a rake. Anything greater than a half inch of thatch can dry up roots and create fungal problems, which will only worsen over the winter.
Keep it clean
Clear your lawn of any garden tools, children’s toys and tree leaves that can smother your lawn in the fall and block the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Tree leaves offer your grass no protection from the impending snow and can rob your lawn of much-needed fall sunlight.
credit – newscanada.com
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