Should I be worried about chemicals and pollutants in my home?
You probably use many household chemicals in and around your home and garage. These may include cleaning products, drain cleaners, paint and paint thinners, liquid laundry detergent packets and pesticides.
Be aware that these types of products can be dangerous and cause burns, poisonings, fires and explosions if not handled safely. Keep you and your family safe by following these tips:
• Always read and follow the instructions on the labels of household chemicals. The label must include instructions on how to use and store the product safely. It also shows hazard symbols and cautionary statements of potential hazards.
• Never mix household chemical products together. Some mixtures can produce harmful gases.
• Ensure proper ventilation by opening windows or doors and running exhaust fans, during and after using the product.
• Use protective clothing such as goggles and rubber gloves as required to protect your eyes and skin when using the product.
• Wash your hands with soap and warm water after using the product.
• Kids are naturally curious, so always keep chemical products locked away or out of sight and out of reach of children.
• Check that child-resistant closures are in good working order.
• Child resistant does not mean childproof. Close the cap on the container all the way even if you set it down for just a moment.
• Teach kids that hazard symbols mean “Danger! Do not touch.”
• Program emergency numbers including the poison control centre into your phone.
Find more information at canada.ca/healthy-home.
credit – newscanada
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