Time for a spring reset: 5 ways to revamp your life
Finally tackle that fridge
A messy or sticky refrigerator can make any home feel unclean, so giving it an overhaul can offer big relief. Find recipes to use up your leftovers. Look up how to organize your fridge to keep food fresher, longer. And even if something’s past its best-before date, that doesn’t always mean you have to throw it out. Best-before dates tell you how long an unopened product maintains freshness, taste and nutritional value, according to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Use your judgement to check it out before you automatically chuck it out.
Get your paperwork in order
Tax time might be over, but there may be additional paperwork that you would feel good about getting off your plate, such as creating an emergency plan, building a financial plan or finalizing your will and setting out wishes for your funeral. This last one can be sensitive and challenging for many of us, but some funeral homes, including Arbor Memorial, suggest that opening meaningful conversations about death may help your loved ones with the eventual grieving process, and ultimately provide them with comfort.
Make your car less tempting for thieves
Car theft is on the rise, and it costs Canadians more than a billion dollars annually, according to insurance provider Co-operators. They say thieves are first going for the easy opportunities to steal, so find ways to make your car inconvenient to take. Suggestions include installing a vehicle tracking device, storing your keys or fob away from doors and windows, and parking in a garage or a well-lit, populated place.
Protect your animals
Taking good care of your animals is important for every owner.? But it’s hard to do that if you don’t have all the facts.? Take time this season to seek out accurate and up-to-date information on caring for your animals. If you have any pigs, for instance, make sure you’ve got the right biosecurity measures in place to keep out serious diseases like African Swine Fever. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has a checklist you can follow.
Renew your lease on life
Do you find yourself avoiding your gardening hobby because your knees can’t handle kneeling or even climbing the back steps? If you or a family member could use a new lease on life – maybe you have mobility problems, or it’s harder than it should be to do everyday activities – you may want to consult an occupational therapist. They can help you build strategies to make it safer and easier to keep doing the things that matter to you. The profession is licensed in Ontario by the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario.
credit – newscanda.com
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