Tips to cope with a pandemic as winter approaches
2020 has been a year full of surprises, and as we head into the colder months many people are concerned about what winter has in store. While we continue to face uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are looking for ways to lead a somewhat normal life while staying safe and following official recommendations. Check out these tips to help cope with the pandemic.
Change up your routine
Routine is important and gives us stability in our daily lives, but a new season is a perfect excuse to make some small changes. Usually work out in the evening? See if waking up early gives you an extra boost. If you usually scroll on your phone before bed, try listening to a podcast or reading a book. These simple shifts can keep your day-to-day routine from getting stale.
Give your space a glow up
Many of us are working from home and spending way more time in our pads than we ever anticipated, and with winter approaching we won’t have the option of being outside. Having a space you love is one of the best ways to ensure having to spend most of your time there is enjoyable. If you’ve been putting off a much-needed renovation project now is the perfect time to consider tackling it or beginning to plan it for spring. On a tighter budget? A simple coat of fresh paint or updating bed linens can make a huge difference towards creating a place you’ll love this winter.
Make an escape plan
Cabin fever can get the best of us, so when it strikes be sure you’re ready to hit the road. Once the ambient temperature is consistently 7°C or lower, it is time to put on your winter tires. To help prevent an unnecessary costly breakdown, experts recommend taking your vehicle in for a tune-up or a winter checkup with a professional automotive technician.
“Preventative maintenance is the best way to ensure you and your family safely navigate your way through any conditions winter throws your way,” explains Shayne Casey, OK Tire automotive expert. “Having your battery, alternator, starter, cooling system, block heater, suspension and brakes inspected, serviced or tested is considered best practice to ensure the reliability of your vehicle.”
Of course, a local winter road trip is a great way to get away safely but be sure to follow official recommendations for travelling.
credit – newscanada
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